Keeping my office open and safe during Covid-19

During this time when health and safety are paramount, I appreciate the cooperation of my clients and their families. I am doing all I can to ensure that I can continue to provide quality services both in-office and on-line. To this end, I am enforcing several precautions in order to provide clients with a safe office space in which you can come and process your feelings in private. This includes air purification, hand washing, surface disinfecting, social distancing, and more (see below). With fall and winter approaching, bringing the flu and colds to our community, I’m hoping these precautions will help us all stay a little bit healthier (physically and mentally).


I talk about perspective and balance often, but this holiday weekend provided a humbling opportunity to remember what is important. Fourth of July weekend, still cautious about socializing but trying to celebrate responsibly. No fireworks for the husband and myself, but some chatting from deck to deck with neighbors. The loud bangs were common, so I didn’t realize anything was wrong until I stepped out front and saw chucks of ash floating in the air. Just down the street, what was once a porch to a duplex was now an expanding wall of fire. The families got to safety, but the damage to both their homes was done. Neighbors forgot about their own celebrations to bring water to responders and the families watching the tragedy. Once the fire was controlled and the neighborhood began to resume regular activities, my husband and I discussed how surreal it was. For us, once we walked back in the house, life felt normal and our immediate concern was “what’s for dinner” – while only a few hundred feet away two families walked back into their houses to assess the damage, wondering where they were going to spend the night and what do they do now. It is so easy for some of us, lucky to have been spared such life-changing events, to get carried away by the little things these days as our worlds have become somewhat smaller. I’m writing this so that I don’t forget this reminder, to be thankful that many inconveniences and annoyances are usually just those “little things” that may not really matter at all.

We’re Stronger than we think

I was honored to be interviewed by Bethany Bray from the American Counseling Association as one of the sources for her article in the June 2020 issue of Counseling Today. The article, Counseling’s Evolution Under COVID-19, shares the perspective of six providers from across the country as they adapt to the circumstances and challenges created by the pandemic: Pennsylvania, Florida, New Jersey, Virginia, Ohio, and Nebraska/Iowa.

Making the time count

Learning to bake

2020 has brought new challenges to everyone in the world. It has impacted our jobs, our friends, our families, our sense of security, and even our health. One option to take back a measure of control is to try to make the time count for something. Many have uttered the phrase, “I would do (this or that)… if I had the time.” I’ve said it on many occasions. I would read those books I’ve been collecting. I would learn French. I would get in shape. I would finally go through my closet and old photos. The list goes on and on. So that’s my challenge to you, whether is it planting a garden with your kids or learning guitar, do what you can in a time when can’t do what you normally would. So what am I starting with…baking (a twist on apple pie, thanks Pinterest)…wish me luck! – Celine

Families can visit the Zoo from their cars

Although the Spring of 2020 has seen several family events cancelled, closed, or postponed – the Henry Doorly Zoo is opening their Wildlife Safari Park for one month. If you haven’t gone, it is a safe but upclose way to see some of the Midwest wildlife like bison, deer, and antelopes. At this time, the park is scheduled to be open only until the end of April, which means there will likely be long lines/waits at peak hours. Please be patient and kind to both the animals and other visitors. Click on the link for more details.

First post

Just to get the ball rolling, I want to say “Hello” and welcome you. I’m hoping to use this site, in addition to Monif Mental Health Facebook page, as a means of providing information and tools that anyone might be able to use. This might be parenting tips, ideas for couples, highlighting a local concert/fair, community events, or even promoting a career fair or local charity.